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Pedigree Charts

ΚΚΚΚΚΚΚ On a standard pedigree chart, each person is assigned a number. These numbers are worth remembering since, if you follow the traditional numbering system, just by looking at a number you can know the relationship of any person on the chart to yourself. You are always 1, your father 2, your mother 3, paternal grandfather 4, paternal grandmother 5, maternal grandfather 6, maternal grandmother 7, patrilineal great grandfather 8, and so on in consecutive fashion.

Standard Table

An ahnentafel takes up less room by providing a list format. AHNENTAFEL IS GERMAN for ancestor (ahnen) table (tafel). Preparing an ahnentafel chart is a very efficient way of organizing your pedigree chart in order to make it quickly understandable by others. See Family Chronicle.

Fan Chart
A Fan chart is arranged fan style with only room for names for each generation.

Genealogy Charts Π Genealogy Connect Services

last updated 15 Nov 2002