Sikes > Ranch Current
last updated 20 Mar 2022

Contents: Financial | Crop Fields | Crop Acres | Assessment - Tax Parcels | Appraisal | Soil Map | Timothy Farming | Land Prices | Area Data | Ranch Details | Financial | Legal Description | Almonds | farm in 1890 | Contacts:

The Sikes Ranch was established by my great grandfather, Jonathan Sikes, in 1869 with a land grant and has been in the family ever since.
It was farmed by Jonathan his son Alvin and his son Jack until Jack's untimely death from polio.
It was not irrigated so dry crops, wheat, barley and oats were grown.

In 1953 another local farmer, Arnold Collier, took it over on a share crop arrangement, where the family got a share of the profits. It was leveled and large wells dug to irrigate it. Initially sugar beets were grown.
Now crops include tomatoes, alfalfa, wheat, sunflowers, peppers, beans, lupin & almonds. Managed by Timothy Farming who's operation includes thousands of acres.

yr Tomatoes Alfalfa Sunfowers Peppers Beans LupinCornGrass Hay
2014 151 99 34
2015 98 70 87 29
2016 116 70 98
2017 98 70 29 19 31 37
2018 29 70 87 38 45 15
2019 87 70 98 29
2020 138 59 31 56
2021 96 90 98
2022 143 37 30 29 45
2023 67 53 50 40 45
2024 68 119 4537
2025 105 37 29 45 38 30
Tomatoes are the staple crop. Price fluctuations are mainly due to the price of others from year to year.

1. 1953  40 HP
2. 1953  75 HP 1,470 gpm  
3. 2008 100 HP 16" 470 ft
  2022 New pump/impeller and shaft
Fld 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
1 Tomato Tomato Sunflower Tomato Beans Sunflower Tomato Silage Corn Almonds Almonds Almonds Almonds
2 Tomato Tomato Sunflower Tomato Pepper Sunflower Tomato Silage Corn Tomato Sunflowers Tomato Triticale
3 Tomato Sunflower Tomato Lupin Sunflower Tomato Corn Tomatoes Sunflowers Tomato Triticale
(a small grain),
4 Tomato Sunflower Tomato Beans Sunflower Tomato Beans Sunflowers Tomato Corn Sunflowers Tomato
5 Sunflower Pepper Tomato Sunflower Tomato Pepper Sunflower Tomatoes Grass Hay Tomato Sunflower Corn
6 Sunflower Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Tomato Sunflowers Tomato Grass hay Sunflower Tomato
7 Beans Tomato Sunflower Tomato Lupin Sunflower Tomato Silage Corn Tomato Sunflowers Chickpeas Tomato
8 Beans Sunflower Tomato Pepper Sunflower Tomato Corn Sunflowers Tomato Corn SunflowerTomato
9 Sunflower Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Sunflower Tomatoes Corn Tomato Tomato Mellons

All fields but 9 have drip irrigation. Field 9 is pending our decision on almonds.

Legal Description:
See Legal Decription
NE quarter section of Section 33 Township 7N Range 2E
SE quarter section of Section 33 Township 8N Range 2E

The soil in this area is the highest quality class 1 & 2.
General rules in the Tremont area per Dustin Timothy:
Higher ground usually better (houses were built there)
Further north, closer to Putah Creek is better.
Although the map shows all of fields 4 and 9 (South) as class 2, the south west (field 4) is better.

- Custom Soil Resource Report for the Sikes Ranch provided by - NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service - USDA.
- USDA Service Center Locator 810 Vaca Valley Parkway Vacaville CA - (707) 448-0106
- Web Soil Survey |
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Science Division |

See Ranch Details for more.

Timothy Farming
The ranch is leased to Timothy Farming.
8290 Runge Rd., Dixon, CA 95620

Agriculture and Horticulture Programs - University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Solano - Capitol Corridor
  2009 Land Rental Rate Survey Results
Cost Studies - UC Davis Agricultural & Resource Economics
California Tomato Growers Assn. (CTGA)
Solano County Crop Reports | Ag Commissioner Fairfield 707 784-1310
USDA Service Center - Farm Service Agency (FSA) Solano - Napa Co. - Vacaville 707 448-0106
FSA Newsletter
Note Both Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Conservation Servies have moved from Dixon to Vacaville.

Solano County Farm Bureau
Landowners Guide To Leasing Land for Farming - Land For Good
USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has information on farm rates, but all I could find was Sunflowers.

Tremont History and Sikes Ranch history in